David Farland

 David Farland 's Books

A very well recieved series by David Farland are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are A Rarefied View At Dawn, Feeding the Feral Children, Spirit Walker, Nightingale n-1, Beyond The Gate - Book 2 of the Golden Queen Series, Blade Kin, The Golden Queen, Ravenspell Book 2: The Wizard of Ooze, On My Way to Paradise, The Wyrmling Horde r-7, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Ravenspell Book 3: Freaky Fly Day, Nightingale, Sons of the Oak, Of Mice and Magic, Drawing on the Power of Resonance in Writing, Lords of the Seventh Swarm, The RuneLords, The Wyrmling Horde, Freaky Fly Day, Ravenspell Book 1: Of Mice and Magic, Guilds & Glaives, The Wizard of Ooze, The Golden Queen - Book 1 of the Golden Queen Series, Sons of the Oak r-5, The Lair of Bones, Path of the Crushed Heart: Book Four of the Serpent Catch Series, Lords of the Seventh Swarm, Book 3 of the Golden Queen Series, Worldbinder r-6, Chaosbound, Beyond the Gate (The Golden Queen) (Volume 2), Serpent Catch: Book Two of the Serpent Catch Series, Worldbinder, which was published in 2022.